The Houdini Case – Extirpation of stucked ostial LCx stent in the struts of previous implanted ostial LAD stent, ending up with two extirpated stents

The Houdini Case – Extirpation of stucked ostial LCx stent in the struts of previous implanted ostial LAD stent, ending up with two extirpated stents 720 405 ECC Congress

Relevant clinical history and physical exam:
Male, 72y.o, retired, was reffered to our hospital as Stabile ungina III CCS. The patient got positive family anamnesis for CAD with previous coronaryprocedures/ PCI/Stenting to mid.RCA and distal RCA due to inferior STEMI/2018/and PCI/Stenting to ostial LAD/also 2018, one month before the present hospitalization. From comorbidities the patient got diabetes/on insulin/. From physical exam with stabile cardiopulmonary status.

Relevant test results prior to catheterization
From non invasive methods:
ECG- SR,HR-78/min,QS III,avF.
Laboratory – referent values of cardiospecific enzymes and other parameters
Echo- referent left chamber diameter, hypokinetic antero-septal and inferior wall. Dyastolic dysfunction. AR I stage.

Relevant catheterization findings
Angyo was done through right radial artery/6F indroducer.
From Angyo:
RCA –plaques, stents in m/dRCA-ok.
PL- non-significant stenosis in mid part.
LAD-ost. stent-ok
Stenosis: 40% mLAD, 50% dLAD.
LCx-p/m: plaques, 80% stenosis dLCx after OM2
OM1:60% ostioproximal stenosis
The objective of our treatment was distal LCx.


Oktaj Maksudov


The Houdini Case – Extirpation of stucked ostial LCx stent in the struts of previous implanted ostial LAD stent, ending up with two extirpated stents

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